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Rev. Christopher Diebold


Pastor Chris Diebold is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte (MDiv ’17), the University of Virginia (M.S., ’10), and Washington and Lee University (B.A., B.S., ’09). Pastor Chris grew up in the Philadelphia area and went to W&L to swim. Having grown up Roman Catholic, he came to the Lord through a process in college. After college he worked in business for 4 years in the D.C. area.


Pastor Chris is married to Sarah and they have three children..

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Alan Bjornsen
Ruling Elder

RE Walter Morris_edited.jpg

Walter Morris

Ruling Elder

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Jared Smith
Ruling Elder


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John Soares
Ruling Elder

RE Wade Speas_edited.jpg

Wade Speas
Ruling Elder


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Mike Dionisio

Rene Hamilton

Rene Hamilton

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Scott Sluyter



Audrey Meade

Church Secretary


Sarah Diebold

Nursery Coordinator



As a part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church, we believe in the faith that has been once for all delivered to the saints and summarized in the creeds of the early church.


As a part of the Presbyterian Church in America, we hold to Reformed and Presbyterian principles as summarized in the Westminster Standards. To learn more about our beliefs, you can read the Westminster Standards here.

Image by Sixteen Miles Out


When we gather on the Lord's Day to worship, we do so guided by God's own instructions in Scripture. He has told us to sing and pray to him; he has told us to preach his redeeming love; he has told us to see his great work of redemption through the sacraments. In sum, we seek to worship with reverence and joy to the glory of our gracious God.


Though we may be more formal than some churches in our style of worship, there is no dress code. Come as you are and worship the living and true God with us.


[To help you prepare for worship, you can find the order of worship for the upcoming Lord’s Day here.]


We strive to be Word-saturated followers of Christ in all areas of our lives. And so, we spend time beyond the Lord's Day in study, prayer, and fellowship. Whether it is a women's Bible study, a men's breakfast, or a mid-week prayer meeting, we strive to be in communion with God and one another regularly.


We know the importance of being connected generationally. Therefore, we have a children's ministry to train up the next generation. We also know the importance of being connected globally. So, we support local, national, and international missionaries and ministries engaged in spreading the gospel.


For more information on our ministries, please contact us.


Covenant Presbyterian Church

291 Parsonage Hill Road

Short Hills, New Jersey 07078

9:15 AM Sunday School (Sept-May)

10:30 AM Morning Worship

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