Dec 9 – The Second Sunday of Advent
Read Luke 1:26-38
The angel declared that this child would be great and the Son of the Most High. He would sit on the throne of David. He would reign over God’s People forever. How difficult it must have been for Joseph and Mary to receive this proclamation from the angel Gabriel. They were greatly troubled and frightened. The brilliance of the holiness of angels was too bright. The news of a Savior for God’s people was too good to be true. But they believed God’s Word and submitted to it. We need to hear the good news from God’s Word and believe.
Dec 10 – Moses and the Ten Commandments
Read Exodus 20:1-20
God wrote on tablets of stone the moral law that had become muddled in the hearts of men on account of sin. These words direct us how we may glorify and enjoy God. The prophet Jeremiah promises that the Spirit will write this law on our hearts. We will show our love of God by our obedience to his good and holy law. In this we can bring glory to God and true enjoyment to our lives.
Dec 11 – A Chosen People
Read Deuteronomy 7:6-11; Ephesians 1:3-14
God did not choose Israel because she was bigger, better, or stronger than other nations. In fact, it was the opposite. God set his love on Israel because she was the fewest of all people. It was all of sheer grace. We are not loved by God because we are lovelier than others. It is because God’s grace is radical and extravagant. When we deserved wrath, he extends mercy. When we merited judgment, he grants favor. Such is the incomprehensible love of God.
Dec 12 – A New Prophet
Read Deuteronomy 18:15-19; Hebrews 1:1-2
God has spoken. God spoke out of nothing and everything that is came into existence. God spoke and revealed himself through his prophets. God spoke and revealed to us his will. But in these last days, God has spoken to us by his Son. May we hear and obey the voice of God and respond with faith.
Dec 13 – Ruth and Boaz
Read Ruth 1:14-18; 4:13-16
There is a steadfast love and faithfulness exhibited by Ruth in following Naomi to Bethlehem. She knew she was a foreigner in a foreign land. But God’s gracious plan of redemption includes blessing the nations by drawing the Gentiles to himself. By God’s sovereign mercy he includes those who were outside of Israel to play a prominent role in the family tree of Jesus the Messiah.
Dec 14 – King David
Read 1 Samuel 16:6-13; Psalm 23
While we are often enamored with outer appearances, God sees to the heart. By his sheer grace, he chose David to be the king of his people. And by his sheer grace, God has chosen us to be his people.
Dec 15 – God’s Covenant with David
Read 2 Samuel 7:12-16
God’s Kingdom has no end. He will sit upon the throne forever and ever. He has established the end from the beginning. He has ordained our days. And he is faithful to bring about all that he sovereignly chooses. Through David God exhibited his covenant faithfulness and steadfast love. He raised up David as King. And from the Seed of David he raised up our true King, our Messiah, who will rule forever and ever.